Will I receive the same product that I see in the picture?

We can confidently say that the product you see listed will be the product that you receive in-hand.

We have created a customer gallery section on our website for full transparency and comparison for you as a customer to the product listed.

Is shipping free?

We love FREE shipping as much as you do! Here at F1 Jackets, we offer a free shipping service worldwide.

When Can I Expect To Receive My Order

Due to high demand and popularity of these jackets, orders are processed and shipped within 2-4 business days upon order. 

The time frame for worldwide shipping from warehouse to door varies from 1-4 weeks.

All orders will be provided with a tracking number, giving you the ability to track your parcel live.

Can I return my item?

Sorry, we know this is the boring legal mumbo-jumbo, but take a minute to have a read of our return policy.

We offer free returns for 30 days from the date of delivery/receiving of order. However, not all items are eligible. Any exclusions will be called out on product pages and / or at checkout. To be eligible for a return:

  1. Item(s) have to be initiated for return and placed in the post within 30 days of the delivery/receiving of order.
  2. Item(s) were not marked “Final Sale” or “Non-Returnable” at the time of purchase, unless faulty.
  3. Item(s) must be in the original packaging, which must be in original condition. This includes an attached swing tag, bow, shoe boxes and jewellery packaging.

You will be asked to put your photography skills to the test and provide a photo of your item prior to sending it back to us so we can assess the condition.

Can I change my shipping address?

Has your trendy F1 Jacket not being sent to the right address? We can absolutely help change this for you! Provided your order has not shipped, please send us the new details and we can change this over for you.

*Please note: We can only send your order to the address you provide on your order - if you have provided an incorrect address, and the package is delivered there, we are unable to retrieve it so please check your address carefully!

How do I track my order?

Yay, time to celebrate – it’s on its way! After we pass your order to the courier, we will send you a shipping confirmation email which will have a ‘Track Order’ button. This will take you directly to their website so you can follow the live tracking updates!